Sunday, July 24, 2005

Back again!

I have returned last Friday from Serra Negra, this is the third time I go to Vale do Sol, there has been not a travel to know new places and take many photos, but it has been rather a time for retreat. I was longing for it a lot, every hollidays I was dreaming of going there, but this week was the time.
It was a retreat with early devotionals from John Piper with the book "Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ" and with main lectures from Donald Miller with "Blue like Jazz". Actually I read it all from Sunday to Thursday.
I have got really impressed with Donald's simplicity, humility and authenticity telling his stories. The chapters about Belief, Loneny and Worship told a lot to me. His stories inspired me a lot to use my stories to reflect God and His kingdom, I hope to be as simple as him to share my stories.
As I have shipped two books of him, I will follow with "Searching for God knows what".
As previously told, my house was painted while we was in Serra Negra, so when we got back and got satisfied with final results, we had the task of unpacking our luggage and also unpack everything boxed. Was my opportunity to re order my books in shelves.
I got also my throat inflamed so there came fever, pain through body and I slowed down my work. But everything is getting fine and I hope to be better until tomorrow.
Thursday I will be back to office.

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