Friday, July 30, 2004

Fear, love and compassion

I am in a company in a hard transition, our division was sold to a private American company, as this week we had contact with our new boss and we would know our new structure, there was some changes in what was expected, than I became to fear what would come.
Thanks to God I had never experimented disemployment after married, but I fear to became one in next weeks, beside all Plan Bs I started to make, I remembered I John 4:18 "perfect love drives out fear" (things from Holy Ghost). The fear comes when you forget the care and the purpose of God to you.
Thanks to God, my boss have me in his plans, I am a little relieved now. But I felt a little what would like to not be employed and to cut house expenses, to search for an employement. I feel deeply compassioned for those people have this kind of dispair today, my prayers are with them.

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