Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Emerging Church

Last week I was able to finish "Emerging Church", from Dan Kimball, I have also good personal referencies from him. This book is very nice referenced and I liked the comments made through all book from Rick Warren (Saddleback), Brian McLaren, Howard Hendricks, Chip Ingram, Sally Morgenthaler and Mark Oestreicher (I know the first two, but started to like others).
The books adress very well a big problem church is facing today, mainly to gather youth. I believe we have a kind of abuse of the solutions purposed last years so that many churches rather trust in the solution than in core Christinism itself. All of this problems helped us to lost much of our authenticism, I believe the problems is the faith in solutions and solutions abuse, I went to Willow Creek tree years ago, and I think they provided me nice solutions also, I think those are tools to be used and would be very worth here yet.
The book made me understand very well the elements of many of the emerging churches I have became a fan (many of them are listed at left). There are a lot of insights that broaden my alternatives to think about church. I don't know if I would apply them all, as even Dan told, this is a matter of sensivity of how we are today, here in Brazil we have a certain kind of post-modern mind spreaded throughout youths, but I couldn't notice yet if they are as spiritual as to be close to lots of elements showed at the book. This is not to say I am not going to shopping and trying the insensus and candles at different smells.

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